i wonder what the gas fees are like with ETC?
Whats better to buy Frax or a frax share?
so my POLY will get converted anyway at some point regardless?
Can i ask if Buying the Curve Token for HODL is a good idea?
has SB been in the top 100 before?
I have 11 CRV tokens is that a lot?
Hi which is a good exchange for ECOMI?
Hi i have a quick question: what are the benifts from converting Poly to POLYX and what happens if i dont?
HI Has Swissborg got any plans to release a Visa debit card? like Cyrpto.com
if i create a token on the Matic Network is it automaticaly listed on exchanges?
Will Polymath become a deflationary asset after the polyX launch ?
Is the FXS Price a pump or natural growth?
do you have any good price predictio nreferences for chasb?
which exchange does eveyone recomend for crypto Binance coinbase?
Hi What makes Casper Unique to say ADA or XRP?
What’s the long term price prediction for EGLD?
Is it posible to sync Mobile app with online account?
Hi will avax gas fees ever go as high as ETH?
ERC1400 is like a new Etherium standard?
but will the price be the same for both?