Hi Ryan, @OasisRyan I have a problem with a stuck transaction on Oasis network and it seems all blocked and can’t do nothing since 7 days. Can you help me? Thanks
Are stablecoin pools safe?
So i will get every week 9.61 ceur AND 9.61 cusd?
Hi guys is the network still congested? Since transaction completes after 30 minutes and some fails
Hey @mayankgrover733 liquidations happen with oracle price or with pool price? I am borrowing dot and its 8% overpriced
Where to sell farmed CRV on avax?
Hi how can I buy waves to do transactions? Currently I just have usdc, is there a faucet?
Why mir farm gives 62k% apr? Is it real or bugged?
Yep… how much does it usually take ?
And when will liquidity mining start?