How do I work out my current purchase price if it goes to $1?
Where do you buy etherum omi nowdays?
So using usdt my omi will automatically be erc20 omi without using ethurium?
Hi trying to buy omi on BitForex will my omi automatically be erc20?
If I stake for a rubi card for 6 months do I have to stake another 6 months for a upgrade?
If I buy £1000 omi at 0.001 and it goes to 0.009 how much would I make?
Can u buy at swap eth for omi on MetaMask in the U.k?
What’s the best way to buy and hold omi now?
Is there a shortage of Visa cards atm???
Anyone know the cheapest way to buy omi these day?
Hi does anyone know the cheapest way to buy omi these days?
Hi are we allowed to talk about price action here?
Is anyone else having a issue with there card being shipped been waiting 18 days???
Hi I have been waiting for customer service for 3days for 1 task???
Quick question am I right in thinking omi coin gets burned wen nfts are purchased?
Why can I see my omi listed in my token balance but not above in my wallet balance???
I use trustwallet to store my go chain omi Wat wallet is best for eth upgrade?
How do I get go tokens for my trust wallet to meta swap?
Does omi have a official wallet where a automatic update takes place?
Wats the easiest way to buy ECOMI these days?