209 похожих чатов

How do I work out my current purchase price if

it goes to $1?

7 ответов

5 просмотров

Can you clarify please?

Andre- Автор вопроса
David AmaZix
Can you clarify please?

How do I work out how much omi I have in fiat?

Uh, calculate my friend.

Andre- Автор вопроса
David AmaZix
Uh, calculate my friend.

Sorry jus logged into my trustwallet after 8months 🤦🏽‍♂️😂

Andre- Автор вопроса
Sorry jus logged into my trustwallet after 8months...

I have £1000 how do I work out if price goes to $1

Sorry jus logged into my trustwallet after 8months...

Never share such information my friend, for your safety I have deleted the last message you have sent. And regarding that, I am afraid It's best you do your own calculation and best to keep price chat away from this Channel 🙏🏽

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