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Where do you buy etherum omi nowdays?

4 ответов

8 просмотров

You can see all the available exchanges and DEX to buy OMI here: https://ecomi.notion.site/Where-Can-I-Buy-OMI-64a730acb72c407e9275ddd12e99103b

Andre- Автор вопроса
Isaac AmaZix
You can see all the available exchanges and DEX to...

Would this automatically be erc20 omi now or?

Would this automatically be erc20 omi now or?

Yes any Omi you buy now is already ERC20

Andre- Автор вопроса
Isaac AmaZix
Yes any Omi you buy now is already ERC20

Just concerned as I wish to buy on BitForex but says usdt/omi on Gochain?

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