Everything up 10% us down 23% was there some bad news I missed?
I have SAND, ENJ and UOS are there any other gaming crypto I should look at?
New investor here. Should I be holding sand in a certain wallet? Is there any auto staking or something like that. Currently just holding in binanace
Is it thought that when eth goes POS that the miners will then turn to ergo? Who else would be our competitors
Best wallet to hold ada and erg?
Anyone having issues on trust wallet? My wallet is saying I have twice the amount of algo than I do
I thought lunc was abandoned and Luna 2 was the new one why is lunc having a rally?
Bitmart always seems to have lower numbers for ultra, where is the best place to store my uos?
Can you stake algo on trust wallet?
What sets ergo apart from everything else?
Staking ultra where is best?