210 похожих чатов

I have SAND, ENJ and UOS are there any

other gaming crypto I should look at?

4 ответов

10 просмотров

It's named "Ultra discussion" sir

S-Brawn Автор вопроса
Joe - Remember WTC-7
It's named "Ultra discussion" sir

Chill out mate, surely there’s no harm in talking about gaming cryptos on a gaming crypto group. I’m simply trying to get some advice from actual gamers as I am not

S Brawn
Chill out mate, surely there’s no harm in talking ...

This is not a crypto gaming investment group, this the Ultra group. Keep the focus on Ultra! Thanks

This is not a crypto gaming investment group, this...

That's right we need all the space in this group for people to ask the same 4 questions about staking, mainnet, exchanges and "when launch". 🙄 Oh and don't forget the scammers with a picture of a pretty girl. Now that is quality content... 🤐 How dares he mention anything relevant to other systems!!?

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