Are you going to participate in the Polkadot crowdloan auction starting from 23 December?
What is the base reward of Astar? Is it 30 ASTR per dot?
I tried to deploy a node in Akash Network twice, but, it's showing "Waiting for bids..." for a long period of time. Is it normal?
On Keplr dashboard, I am seeing a different KAVA address than what I can see in the browser extension? Do you know what happened?
Have you been able to decide the reward structure for Polkadot auction yet?
So, it's a fixed 12 Phala per DOT, right?
How much uakt to offer for getting a new bid? Can you please tell me about a range?
Have you declared your reward structure for Polkadot parachain auction?
Are AKT Surge incentives still running?
Any update on reward structure of polkadot auction?