Is like having a company with great talents, early investors & workers who joined a company but saw that the vision was getting lost so they pushed for a change from within. T...
@OneTwoinc You are happy about it? you might not like Dan, and obviously he has his flaws but you can't say that he is not a great builder. He is a net positive in my opinion
Who controls ENF and these organizations? is it the BPs? or Yves who elected these "board" that are supposed to control him?
Eos mostly have problems. We blamed blockone and they left three years ago, we blamed Dan and he left, we blamed eden and it collapsed, we blamed multiple organizations that s...
@jestagram has funds to build… why are community memebers not flooding to his telegram channel to insult him and his team????
People lie all the time. Have you met a politician before?
what does that have to do with me?
I believe Eden on EOS needs to give rise to “a transparent mechanism for achieving consensus and/or a judicial process for the dispute resolution.” I believe Dan is working o...
who are those?
Labs?? I don’t know what they are doing yet. There is no report to see their work.
Bullish showed up to the eosio+ group. Is there a chance to contribute significant amount of money to that working group?
Why is that a failure?
@hahnryu if you had ~ 500,000 usd would you buy more EOS?
That means that some people artificially bought RAM and held it without them using it?? is this correct?
What’s wrong with you?
since you know so much why don't you do it?
@creamer7 It will be nice if it started its own organization to use its algo, bylaws, consent etc. --- I agree that inflation can be determined by BP selected, But will the BP...
Max and Hahn will become best friends and work together before eos 🌚 ??
correct. Now that i have broken it down... you see the fallacy in the logic of saying that Eden speaks for the whole EOS public Network?
But why will sec turn on a foundation? @lukapercic