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Eos mostly have problems. We blamed blockone and they left

three years ago, we blamed Dan and he left, we blamed eden and it collapsed, we blamed multiple organizations that support public goods and they didn’t get funding anymore, we blamed @ChrisBarnes1 and he became quiet, we blame Brock and he left etc and with all this EOS still has a problem. What is the main issue with EOS??? What is plaguing EOS?

9 ответов

22 просмотра

You forgot about me

The Eden part is really a shame. To think it grew to nearly 500 members with developers, marketers, regular community members, and more...if only it had been supported to mature into a governance tool and engine for this ecosystem. Of course that would've meant those who were in power would need to relinquish it in favour of a community effort like Eden. Dan pointed this out really well in one of his interviews with Bywire... Just imagine if EOS via something like Eden, which was, and still is very unique in the crypto-space, was able to get traction and start to engage with those outside of our ecosystem...It could've blown up...in a good way :)

Randall-Roland Автор вопроса
You forgot about me

:) never that. But you have been banned so much I am not sure if you have any history in your database.

Randall-Roland Автор вопроса
Chris Barnes
The Eden part is really a shame. To think it grew ...

I think all the members where not aligned. They were some bad actors and the technology was not matured yet at the time. Anything on google sheet was going to be gamed because not everyone was on the same page. I think with mature software that way of growing community is the best.

Randall Roland
I think all the members where not aligned. They we...

you're totally correct. The battle between Eden as WPS and a governance tool was very clear...it was also clear who was on what side of that divide and why.

Randall-Roland Автор вопроса
Chris Barnes
The Eden part is really a shame. To think it grew ...

we have been working on it for years even though we couldn’t get the eos network to support. It will one day serve organizations well because blockchains cannot succeed without proper ways of human governance and transparent treasury

Randall-Roland Автор вопроса
Chris Barnes
you're totally correct. The battle between Eden as...

Different ppl with all sort of agendas… actually I was against the funds going into the treasury because I knew that the potential of the treasury being captured and funds not being used wisely was high. That was not the main issue however. My main concern was that the tool didn’t have better on chain dispute resolution, and accountability in place.

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