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People lie all the time. Have you met a politician


14 ответов

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That is where the lawsuit is. If you lie to raise money it is a crime. Lawyers will work on this and we will know....

ENF lawsuit

There is no ENF lawsuit??

Kassy The Orange Pilled Editor
There is no ENF lawsuit??

Yes it was possible to join the class action

Yes it was possible to join the class action

that is not ENF lawsuit though and no class action has filed?

Randall-Roland Автор вопроса
That is where the lawsuit is. If you lie to raise ...

If you cannot understand how the ICO worked and what the funds was being raise for then there is not much to tell you. But I will assure you that normally when a founder raise funds for a project they allocate % for multiple entities who are helping them irrespective of how much gets raised. B1’s social contract was to build a software that when deployed by entities as blockchains all people holding tokens would get same percentage in airdrops.

Randall-Roland Автор вопроса
ENF is facilitating the lawsuit

Already I see how you may be upset with ENF someday that they lied to you. Facilitating and ENF lawsuit are not the same things. SMH

Randall Roland
Already I see how you may be upset with ENF someda...

This is false. ENF people are doing their best to deliver on the tech side, partnerships, attracting projects, brand side, lawsuit.... maybe they will be successfull or fail but at least we can all see that they try hard for the EOS come back. Whereas B1 got paid and disappeared with all the money this is the behavior of scammers. Don't compare people who are working hard for EOS and people who stole all the EOS funds.

Randall-Roland Автор вопроса
This is false. ENF people are doing their best to ...

There might be others who might not see through the lens you are seeing through. 😂 not that I am saying that ENF is not working hard or B1 didn’t work hard. To raise 4 billion, come up with a tech stack which have spun up multiple chains with the possibility to someday have multi million entities building of such concepts. I mean some work was done.

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