Hey, I want to learn .Net to make some aplication but I want to know if first I need to learn C#, now I know C++ but I don't know if C# is need to learn .Net, some suggestions...
hey Devs, I want to deploy my MEAN STACK on Google Cloud AppEngine, my MongoDb instance is into MongoDBAtlas and I recently deployed the API REST and the conection with MongoD...
okay I can use JSON.stringify to convert to JSON but how can I set the name to the array?
Hey! Some DEV ICON FONTS that you can recomend? Now I have this http://konpa.github.io/devicon/ http://vorillaz.github.io/devicons/#/main I want some like konpa 😐 but this f...
i'm trying to import a sql dump file into Google cloud Postgres, and my export was like pg_dump -U postgres --format=plain --no-owner --no-acl dbaexpress | sed -E 's/(DROP|CRE...
Hey, I'm new in Python, how can I read each element inside of the array in the diccionary?
Someone else has this?
Hey, today I'm starting with Python, how can I change the version of Python to 3.0? [ubuntu]
hey! I have an array of buttons, how can I know what of this buttons is the button that was clicked?
How can I store a string in an array? like "Hello world" and go through this until you find a blank??
hey, any idea about why my browser [firefox] ever sendme that document... is null?
Hey! what is the difference between BI and DataScience?
that is another thing, how can I do an __init__ blank?
hey there, I have seen that to add some CSS in JavaScript is like add CSS into HTML file, any idea about how to add css into a CSS file from JS o similar?
hey please any idea of why this is wrong? or any other lock to i3?
yeah Thanks and another question, how can I use atob function in Handlebars to decode base64 and set an image?
Hey there! If I'm working with c# webForms (aspx) is the same to say that I'm working with .net???? [I'm new]
hey there! Recently I installed i3 on centos 7 but I have a problems with i3lock, always when I enter my pass it say me that this is wrong :( any idea?
hey what is the alternative of WPF apps in linux?
{} is like %s ?