anyone know how to bulk add users to whitelist in an efficient way? i have a list of wallet addresses i need to add to a mapping
Hey guys, does anyone have best practices on how i should separate out my smart contract? e.g interaces in 1 file, helpers in another, misc function, admin functions? ERC721? ...
Hello, anyone know how to pass string array as a function in solidity?
Has anyone made chainlink upgradeable?
im checking the array length of NftForSales array and iterating through, if tokenid and tokenaddress and issold = false of the contract and id parsed in, then throw an error. ...
Who knows a way to read all erc-721 in a user's wallet-address?
let's say you approve a transaction to a smart-contract. Will you then have to rerun approve when you go to use pancake-swap or uniswap to their contract address? you can have...
who can help with an approve function? for an nft marketplace. keep getting this error even though i own the nft
why is checkingAllowance returning this weird uint256?
does anyone know how i can get decimals in solidity? I have price for nft with type value as uint256. I need it so that people can se the price for their nfts, e.g 0.03 or 0.2...
If i call another contract from my contract does the contract calling it need gas/eth inside?
when will it start becoming super expensive? bearing in mind this is on the polygon network
in a transaction on polygon, using web3 sendtransaction, what value do i put for gasPrice?
who has shareable nft smart contract with max supply and 2/3 mintable at 1 time?
Anyone have an airdrop contract they want to share?
who can quickly check over my smart contract? its a simple nft one.
what good nfts do you guys have on moonriver?
who has a private sale contract?