How long is unbonding to Unstake ?
Has anyone here used moonwell ?
Hey guys whats a good wallet for moonriver ?
Hey guys, what does this mean ?
Quick question - when you withdraw staking from the mynearwallet, you click on Unstake and after 52-65 hours - will the withdraw button become visible ? Becuse now I can only ...
Have you tried via your phone ? If you’re just importing via phrase ?
There’s a chiliz chain ? So will that mean native chz token and not an erc-20?
Hey guys using the near mobile app and the tx is coming up not found on near explorer - I can see it in near blocks but is there an issue with the explorer ?
Is this a new thing that you hold funds for 24 hours before you allow withdrawals for the said deposit ?
So if Pol is an erc20 token then you need eth for gas how does that make sense if it’s the native token for polygon? Shouldn’t Pol be a native polygon Token like what matic is...
What’s the staking apr for Glmr ? And binance staking 1 is that actually binance as the collator ?
Ok cheers mate and what’s the length of the epoch ? Or is it daily payouts ?
Ledger live or ?
While I’ve got you - I noticed that the near wallet will be discontinued - that has nothing do with with near on a ledger account right ?
So if a validator produces less blocks then essentially my rewards will also be lesser compared to a validator that produces more blocks ?
What’s a good size bag for moonriver ?
So instead of importing, why don’t you Unstake directly from there ?
Hi what’s the bep-20 contraxt addresss ?
What about trying chrome instead of brave ?
Is 10k near bag a make it bag ?