okay, thanks. if you add print(rpc_result.body) just above this line https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/blob/65407fc899eed5ed6a2e5dd868d2202b144bf05a/telethon/network/mtpr...
tg://user?id= works fine. the user id must be in cache
is the bot running while you add it to the group? or do you start it, without catch up, right before you delete the group?
would you perhaps be willing to beta test the v2 release?
the jpg is 2.62MB and png is 3.93MB perhaps 3MB is the limit?
megagroups like this one is considered a channel. do you want to ignore it too?
"different naming convention than the usual" - where's the usual? telegram's api calls it silent
are you looking for GetFullUserRequest?
how would you unpickle them and get a client so that you can do event.respond()?
check what?
are you completely sure there is no other process using the same sqlite session file?
how did you manage to exceed the maximum container length? what is the code and values used?
is it reaching to ask for login? have you tried a different session name?
is the extension correct?
you seem to be able to reliably trigger this issue is it as simple as deleting a small group chat with the same account that created it in it, and no other people in it?
yeah but do i want more users?
what would you need that for in telethon?
"39 bytes read on a total of 1347703872 expected" looks horribly wrong too. the server should never claim such large amounts. are you using a proxy?
you only get a FloodWaitError when you try sending a Request to telegram. which Request caused the floods?
i can't tell from the screenshot, are you using a session and disconnecting?