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Is the bot running while you add it to the

group? or do you start it, without catch up, right before you delete the group?

7 ответов

8 просмотров

Bot running and I get events through bot.add_event_handler(callback=raw_event, event=events.Raw()) If i wait for the session to be saved and restart the bot with catch_up=True, the bot will receive this event. He will also receive this event if he stands at the stop point for too long and other events come during this time and telethon starts getdifference

lonami- Автор вопроса

if the bot is running while i create a chat and the deletion occurs then it gets four updates (three for create, one for delete)

screenshot if the bot is running while i create a chat and th...

It receives a UpdateChat event, but not that it has been removed from the chat (UpdateChatParticipant) . Although the delete event from the chat arrives in the message box, it is discarded

Константин Черный
It receives a UpdateChat event, but not that it ha...

UpdateChat does not have enough information to understand that the chat was deleted

lonami- Автор вопроса
screenshot if the bot is running while i create a chat and th...

for some reason telegram keeps including all past updates even though the state i'm fetching should be the latest. still looking into it

for some reason telegram keeps including all past ...

I'm glad you managed to replicate this issue. I don't have enough knowledge to help you fix it

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