if we are aligned here, can we please discuss how to make DCR great again?
so what IS keeping the price down?
are you saying it would help if DCR got delisted from Binance?
so the question is: how do we move from here? what can we do?
if you're not willing to change the project for the better, perhaps it makes more sense to just sell your DCR and move on to different things?
a community cannot be controlled from the top down. it has to be created from the bottom up. who will do that?
by the way, I never understood the Bison meme. can you explain it to me? someone mentioned Bison Trails but they were aquired by Coinbase. is this what you're hoping for?
FYI, did you know that Kaspa (KAS) used code by Decred developers for their original full node implementation?
we need to look at what power and capital monopolies are seeking to prevent or control in order to understand why it is important to keep building right now. the elites are go...
there also needs to be an incentive to share them (either social or financial). who is currently running the VanGuard program? how is progress measured?
what do you think about this article? is it simple enough to educate newbies?
self reflection is hard, isn't it? 😉
will Bison Relay also be available for the BTC LN community?
sure, but who controls the majority? this is important. based on data it's impossible to tell, since early holders are using privacy features to hide their holdings
- do you only care about profits and not about dao decision making? - was the discussion time too short?
is this incompetence or intentional? 🤔
yet? 🤔