Assalamu alaykum everyone! I think there are a lot of Web Developers, so I wanna ask a question. If I wanna be web developer which one's should I learn first PHP or Python? Fo...
Is there WebStorm’s free version? Like as PyCharm community.
hi guys! Before installing ubuntu to c disc I had got windows in this disc. After I installed ubuntu I faced to this error. any solution?
Does "you don’t know js" free book?
Hello everyone. Which youtube channel are you advice for learning JavaScript from 0 to Pro? (Video lesson)
Hello everybody! Should I learn Java or Kotlin for Android?
Why is so much people hate PHP?
After learning basic of JavaScript which framework should I learn first Vue.js, JQuery or React.js?
Is this video or lecture?
Does anybody know Jonas Schmedtman’s original facebook profile or e-mail? I have a personal question.
Friends which is the best book to learning Node.Js for beginners?
How long have you been learning JavaScript Ilyosaka?🤔
Then, why I need able to read and understand for Java?
Ok, are there any libraries as Java spring in Kotlin?
Can I make Android applications by using only Kotlin?
Thank you! But why should I learn PHP first?
Hmm, then should I learn Java or Kotlin first?
Which the best video lesson for learning python?
What ide should I use for kotlin?
Who is author of this book?