I have stkxprt 100 on platform. Is that all needed for last 80%?
I heard chihuahua will drop to dvpn similar like to juno? Any news from sentinel?
So you dont lose atoms, but in all cases get slashed yes? If a validator ceases to exist u dont earn rewards. Have to be active on that and check up on all staked tokens fr...
Hey i have a strange question i have no answer to. If a validator ceases operation or ceases to exist.. what happens to your bonded tokens to that specific validator? Probab...
Claiming pxprt rewards on pstake finance platform takes up high eth fees. Will that change? Its damn expensive.
Jazz, does superfluid staking work both ways? Can staked coins get pooled?
And what if the validator does not exist anymore?
Second round of pstake distributed?