Did tokens for advisors get released today?
What happens with NFTs? Can we keep them forever and are they serialised?
I have a question about dex incentives also. I guess the reward rate will be enough to attract liquidity but could be lowered slightly due to reduced IL risk? So that holders ...
Guys if I have WALBT staked already do I need to do anything else to benefit from the extension to the pool? Or can I just leave it there?
Why did Allianceblock go with EWT for the dex?
Does anyone have a link to vesting schedule please?
Sorry if I missed this, but roadmap for Q2 will definitely be achieved and no more delays?
@Agorajix hi, did you see coin desks article titled "liquidity mining is dead"? Wondering what your thoughts are on this
Amber is speaking at a FT event this week?