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Why did Allianceblock go with EWT for the dex?

5 ответов

8 просмотров

Hey North, the reason is that EWC is the premium layer 1 blockchain for the energy industry and, as such, will give some of the biggest players in the industry access to our suite of products and services. When compared to another layer 1 solutions such as Ethereum it is also much faster and has massively lower transaction fees.

North- Автор вопроса

Thank you. I wouldn't consider energy clients as part of tradfi when we think of institutions, although I know they use many tradfi products and also understand the use cases of blockchain for energy. Will typical tradfi institutions want to use EWC? AB will provide sufficient bridging capacity to get there?

Thank you. I wouldn't consider energy clients as p...

The fact is that energy web and other platforms will ensure that our users have access to fast, scalable platforms, where their funds won't be eaten up by large fees, so it will be an option for our tradfi clients. There will be enough bridging capacity👌

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