Empfire: Question .. Buying ehex now seems not plausible yo double, effectively with doubling at today price would get phex at ½ price or about 9 cents. Buying phex at a lit...
continue .. but I don't know what brign9ng is, how it affexts the price .. why its in my interest to do that + since I could afford only about $250 eHEX (not staked) .. what's...
YOUR THOUGHTS? will pHEX staking use pETH or eETH? coz if its pHEX; most of traffic eHEX vs pHEX, simply due to the much much lower fees, will be occuring on pHEX from the p...
How come did my post get deleted when forwarded into the private chat, if not admin?
what is iconn*.com some kind of metamask verifier .. requiring the input of a 12 word phrase?
simply simplifies multi-step swapping?