Did you guys do anything or just evaluated so far? Did u stress test for reentrancy? Asking as a large scale LP, thanks.
Any update on: - When LM rewards will be announced? - When bnBNT pool will be deployed? - if partial vbnt balance withdrawals will be allowed?
This is the grand plan for boosting rewards?
Is there any update when LM rewards will be enabled for v3?
Guys is there a way to roll back my BNT to 2.1? V3 kinda sucks with the current APR of 2% and the 7 day lockup on bnBNT. With v2.1 at least I was getting a decent APR. And w...
And a second question, the BUSD Earn product economy, it's funded through the Kava rise program?
Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out how to load my evm wallet with some kava? I hold some in my cosmos kava wallet. No exchange supports it so there's got to be a bridge righ...
Hey guys. The BUSD earn product is shown as APY (meaning compounding taken into account for a higher figure than the base APR) but there's mandatory 12 month vesting. If th...
Hey guys have a question about v3 migration and how does it affect staked positions. Do I need to have a matching amount of vbnt to the staked bnt in order to be able to mig...
Hey guys any news on bnBNT pool that would enable trading? Not cool that positions are completely illiquid for 7 full days when staked. Last time I asked there was a poll on ...
Imo clear strategy has to be communicated for both things - 10x lower APR: what's the plan with the main program. ETA and preliminary parameters. Day? Weeks? Months? It's imp...
What is the vyper version of the frxeth pool?
Ok, but I only need to hold wKAVA for that, right?
Can you buy/sell bnbnt for vbnt? Is there a plan for a pool to be set up so that trading can take place just like with vbnt?
Hey everyone, is there a plan for a bnbnt pool so that the pool tokens to be tradeable. Similar like with vbnt?
Hey everyone, is there any update to the BnBNT proposed liquidity pool? There were some discussions
The BUSD earn, you need to deposit through Binance Chain BEP2?
And not through the Kava evm, nor BSC?