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Any update on: - When LM rewards will be announced? - When

bnBNT pool will be deployed?
- if partial vbnt balance withdrawals will be allowed?

9 ответов

5 просмотров

1) LM rewards are already announced. The implementation of these rewards will happen when auto-compounding is turned on. This will happen after all pools are migrated. 2) I'm not sure what this even means. bnBNT is a pool token. 3) Partial withdraws have always been here. You can do partial withdraws - literally - right now. This has always been a feature and at no point has B3 been an "all or nothing" for withdraws.

Sunomono- Автор вопроса
1) LM rewards are already announced. The implement...

1) there's no info in the Pinned post. Where can I find it? When will all pools be migrated? 2) bnbnt is illiquid as in not being able to trade/convert it as there's no pool set for it with its own price discovery. The 7 days cooldown literally make it illiquid even if u own vbnt. Some people don't want to wait 7 days cooldown. For instance the whole Luna meltdown took 5 days to happen. Others are in a leveraged position and don't own the vbnt. 3) if you have a leveraged position you need the entire amount of vbnt at once and aren't allowed to partially withdraw based on current vbnt balance. For instance I had several positions in v2.1 which were migrated and merged into one. Now I can't take part of my liquidity cuz I am asked to deposit 100% of vbnt in advance.

1) there's no info in the Pinned post. Where can I...

1) The DAO. Its 30k BNT a month for big pools. 2) "bnbnt is illiquid as in not being able to trade/convert" - this is false. You can always convert bnBNT to BNT provided you have vBNT. Some people like the idea of a bnBNT / BNT pool to make trades with and it is currently a topic of discussion. Anyone can short vBNT. People who sell vBNT are shorting the protocol - if they get BTFO because they are shorting that has nothing to do with Bancor. The 7 day cooldown period is a security feature. With more data the DAO may choose to vote to lower the withdraw period, but it can't ever go away completely. 3) "if you have a leveraged position" - There's your first problem. "Now I can't take part of my liquidity cuz I am asked to deposit 100% of vbnt in advance." You absolutely can take part of your liquidity. You need "x" amount of bnBNT and the same amount of vBNT. For example if you have 10,000 BNT staked and want to withdraw half of that you would need 5,000 bnBNT and 5,000 vBNT (this is an estimate but its pretty close to this at the moment).

Sunomono- Автор вопроса

3) Not true. I get a big red message saying "you need (100%) of vbnt to withdraw". And I have 50% available. As for your remark about shorting vbnt, I am fully aware of it. My remarks are comparing the experience between v.2.1 and v3. V3 I have little control on my funds and is much more illiquid. I watched the Luna meltdown without ability to make any reaction. The only solution is to have a bnbnt pool to allow a bypass on the cooldown when needed.

3) Not true. I get a big red message saying "you n...

You do need 100% of the vBNT required to withdraw your PARTIAL position. If you have 10k bnBNT and you want to withdraw 100 bnBNT then you need 100 vBNT If you have 10k bnBNT and you want to withdraw 740 bnBNT then you need 740 vBNT If you have 10k bnBNT and you want to withdraw 26.9 bnBNT then you need 26.9 vBNT If you have 10k bnBNT and you want to withdraw X bnBNT then you need x vBNT

Sunomono- Автор вопроса
You do need 100% of the vBNT required to withdraw ...

This is not true. I have half of my vbnt present in my wallet and can't withdraw a single bnt. It asks for the remaining 50% vbnt.

Sunomono- Автор вопроса
3) Not true. I get a big red message saying "you n...

Hmmm. WaVES suffered the same attack as the luna and it was even worse because they organized pay-fud campaigns against waves. But the Waves algostablecoin ( USDN ) is back to 1 dollar and waves are already recovering. So probably WAVES team is more serious and more better investment for long term than luna. Probably will big than luna.

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