How many etn are expected to be lost when bridged over to the new blockchain? And how long will people have to bridge over to the new blockchain
So I have some etn on huobi and withdrawals are blocked. Is Huobi going to switch over to the new etn crypto if we leave it on their exchange?
Does anyone think it would be a good idea to hedge into Paxg instead of staying in usdt?
Does anyone think it would be smart to hedge into paxg instead of staying in usdt?
whats the best on-ramp to buy crypto in the usa? tired of paying too much on cashapp. telcoin shut their ach free on-ramp down
Is there any way to speed up tps on the xmr? Similar to Algorand or Solano? It might sound like a stupid question but I seriously want to understand why or why not? I really l...
Inflation rate right now for Telos is 10%, right?
its not working is it?
What is the inflation rate of ETN? And will that change after the hardfork?
Are we going to be able to get our ETN off of Huobi? Still not able to withdraw. Will the token swap be fine on Huobi?
What did iost achieve during the bear market?? Anything?
How much to does it cost to buy $1000 in crypto with ach or debit card on app in the usa? Just need a simple snswer
My son is a pretty good coder in several languages. Do you think he could build on the Telos blockchain?
When is the hardfork estimated?
is there any way electroneum can get iso 20022 certified? I mean verge currency was able to
When are the new exchanges coming?
What other crypto is most similar to electroneum? What is your competition?
I have etn on Huobi and in my ETN wallet. Is it safe on Huobi for the hardfork?
what wallet can I hold velas on?
There still seems to be a chance that the new ETN wont be listed on kucoin though? is that correct?