Any news on Nodes and quantity needed to run as yet?
Did you burn $nxra for $nai yet or was that all a big scam like the 4 year stake pool?
When are we burning ralbt for nai? 7 months after we where told it would be after tge. Locked up a big amount on nxra for this. Feel let down little info has been given. Apart...
So you would be confident if the sec came knocking about services offered in the US, there would be no case to answer? FYI I'm balls deep in albt/nxra from early, up down top ...
Been away for a week or so, has there been any news on the ralbt burn to Nai?
Burn rate for Ralbt to Nai been announced?
Is 90 days the minimum locked staking for fundrs?
@Agorajix I'm assuming he means when faas was the "buzzword" where albt fully compliant in offering the solutions they did, say pre 2021? Before fundrs etc
I'm struggling to see how that's going to be positive for nxra?
Decent. We can't have a speculative figure as of yet?..... lol
Ralbt burn details available yet?
Lol did my comment asking why volume was always so low get deleted?
We must be close to some news for the TGE and burn event on Ralbt soon?
I'm assuming the ralbt burn has been delayed?
What's the need for $nai in the ecosystem, why couldn't $nxra be the token used? Money grab?
Do company's pay to use defi terminal in $nxra?
@Agorajix can we get a nug nug, how many NDAs does alliance block currently have? How significant will they be when announced?
Ralbt? I can see the bridge ralbt > avax, no routes available?
When are we 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 our RAlbt?
How do we get out ralbt on to avax?