I consider Ergo is a business, in every business, you need to have operation sides and marketing sides, these 2 sides need to work well to align with each other. So all the AM...
So where the place in ergo that community can have some discussion for proper marketing?
Is sigmanaut a marketing group?
Just want to know something, in term of working with influencer, do they always asking to be paid? Cant we negotiate with them with something else, maybe asking them what they...
Does sigmanaut have funds or can receive funds from EF?
Will rosen bridge fully launch in this month? How easy for the rosen bridge to implement another coin beside ADA later in future? Will it take long time for the rosen bridge t...
What is the different and unique advantage ERGO from chainlink? Can Ergo surpass chainlink in long term based on you guys opinion?
Whats different between SigUSD and the upcoming dexyusd?