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I consider Ergo is a business, in every business, you

need to have operation sides and marketing sides, these 2 sides need to work well to align with each other. So all the AMA videos, Youtube videos, features that ergo have is on operation sides. The ones that mostly handle the operation side are the devs. So it's good.

Now for the marketing sides, i think we have sigmanauts and non dev communities, so for both sides we need to make some moves. Whats the move that can be done on the marketing side? Let's think about it together.

7 ответов

14 просмотров

It’s a product to me, But yeah same thought. But devs aren’t marketers… they can’t separate from the product they’ve built and are unable to communicate in a way that a user (less technical human) can’t connect with. Need someone that’s able to sell the product, simple “what,why,how” “What is it, why do you need to use it, how do you use it.”

Crimson-Cryptos Автор вопроса

[cafebedouin] Bad metaphor: it's not a business. It's a protocol.

Crimson-Cryptos Автор вопроса
[cafebedouin] Bad metaphor: it's not a business. I...

Yes maybe its to some people, but mostly to others, its a business or product, so all terms are good, just want to get some adoption, we all have same goals

Crimson Cryptos
Yes maybe its to some people, but mostly to others...

[cafebedouin] A rose by any other name is still a rose.

Crimson Cryptos
Yes maybe its to some people, but mostly to others...

Talk about the right things. The guys answering you are like sect. They like low price. They like exclusivety of hidden gem. They don't like many new people

Talk about the right things. The guys answering yo...

Yes, for many, ergos low price is probably beneficial to their situation. For Palm/Zengate.. lower the erg price.. the cheaper it is to mint NFTs for the commodity tracking.. some business models benefit from cheap erg.

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