influencer, do they always asking to be paid? Cant we negotiate with them with something else, maybe asking them what they need that we can help. There's a lot of smart people in ERGO, maybe can do side job with the influencer that need help. I said this because people tend to forgot if we want them to do something, there must be EXCHANGE OF VALUES need to occur between both parties. It doesnt necessarily to pay them, maybe create an nft for them, teach how to setup rig in ERGO's way, just asking them what that we can offer for them to talk about ergo. Have we tried to reach out to influencer as we reach out to the exchanges. But these is just my thought, not sure it can be done or not
I think that the best marketing right now in this market is just showing a strong community and high engagement. Currently this is what works + delivering. Otherwise you compete with shillers and scams. Ergo community is already super strong and active, + lots of big brains here. I think that Ergo has the chips to make that marketing move. Maybe we just need to add a catalyst / a strong partner into it to help bring more attention to Ergo.
A good way to support Ergo growth is to go on CMC, Coin gecko, twitter, etc and leave comments, likes and everything else in support of all ergo projects and the ergo token
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