Anyway on a different note can @yudilevi or anyone explain what's keeps us from using the surplus in v2.1? Is it because if we bring the surplus that will simply help lps leav...
Are these being put on hold deliberately?
@JensTelegram understand time js needed but why not ama or Twitter spaces? What's stopping us there?
Did you guys see this?
Do you guys realize that you guys are just talking amongst yourselves and no one is monitoring these and taking feedback? Alpha and zeno don't care about your plans. They have...
@mattmazix so current how long can we stay in cool down period?
By flipside I'm guessing you mean bnt outperforming TKN?
Hello team, tomorrow is the day when the pol migration happens. Do we know what the link deficit will look like after that? And does it matter if we wait to withdraw or withdr...
Why is burn making no difference to deficit? Is it because the burn volume to low compared to deficit!
Can anyone confirm why link pool is not showing up on v3?
Can anyone explain where all the sell pressure is coming for bancor? It only seems to keep slipping ranks on coingecko etc. I thought the big whales have already sold all.
@JensTelegram so how long before the team can make an announcement for a plan?
Anyone knows if deficit dashboard is still accurate? Eth seems to be double counting and link is stuck
Any updates on the Celsius wallets? Have they withdrawn?
What's the link deficit?
Can anyone explain how will the link deficit ever decrease? So if bnt price goes up someone will trade their link for BNT?
Team any updates? It's been a week now almost. Not even an update that we are progressing or any vague timelines. This is getting scary
What is link deficit currently? Anyone knows?
The biggest worry right now is prove fluctuations causing more deficit. How do we avoid that?