how can i fix this? i cant access one of the drives in linux. works fine in windows tho.
how could i play hls streams in the browser? ffmpeg -re -safe 0 -i playlist.txt -vn -c:a flac -ar 96000 -f hls -hls_time 6 -strict -2 -hls_segment_type fmp4 -hls_flags delete...
does anyone know how to use "unsafe file names" when using ffconcat playlist as an input in ffmpeg? when running it like: ffmpeg -re -safe 0 -i playlist.txt it works fine on t...
in postgres if i have "id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY" and some other VARCHAR UNIQUE NOT NULL data. why does the id keep incrementing when i try to add some non unique piece of data. w...
when it comes to stuff like registering an account and stuff like that. how would yall implement a way to throttle it so stuff like that wouldnt get abused?
any ffmpeg pros here? idk if i found a bug or am i stupid or sth? im trying to make a lossless hls playlist, but for some reason it doesnt work for all flacs: Delay between t...
when running postgreSQL in docker and running sth like docker exec -it postgres pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres > backup.sql im able to take a backup of t...
when playing it back through vlc the stream still cuts off when the main stream ends am i supposed to have my main stream on live or fallback application? either way it doesnt...
how could i make like a silent fallback rtmp stream in nginx so that when the connection to the main stream is lost then the stream itself wouldnt cut off?
so its best to have these checks in the code thats trying to add stuff into postgres rather than in postgres itself? to avoid situations where it couldnt add sth into the tabl...
how to make a server/client logic in python? all the tutorials ive come across only show how to do it with a private ip on a local network, but how could i make it so that it ...