Hello Nervos, I have a question in regards to locked ckb in the nervos dao. Is there not a way to make it to where we could keep our ckb locked in the dao and only withdraw wh...
Is mimblewimble and Nervos still a thing or is that something that died?
Alright, I made a MetaMask wallet to be able and receive ckb on it since I'm trying to buy tokens on yokaiswap. After I type ckb.pw in url area it takes me where I can then re...
Is there a dark mode for Neuron wallet? I looked for it but couldn't find it?
Hello Nervos, 👋 I was just wondering, how safe is staking in the Nervos Dao? A project I'm invested in, recently had all their staking pools hacked and they're trying to reco...
Does Nervos network evm compatibility work both ways for Nervos and Ethereum? Seamless porting of dapps from Ethereum to Nervos and vice versa?
We are considering adding live cells commitments, there are two alternatives to add live cells commitments, one is through a softfork, similar to the light-client protocol, us...
I can't just send ckb to MetaMask right? I have to do the whole portal wallet thing?
Is there anywhere we can look to see what's being built on Nervos?
Account model chains are anything other than pow or not necessarily?
Where can I find the info to add godwoken network to MetaMask?