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Hello Nervos, I have a question in regards to locked

ckb in the nervos dao. Is there not a way to make it to where we could keep our ckb locked in the dao and only withdraw what we get from the secondary issuance? I've noticed from staking on different projects, that in order to claim the rewards from staking, we're always required to unstake our assets to claim the rewards. But, what if we don't want to unstake and only want to claim the rewards? Is that no possible? I feel like that would be unique. I could he wrong and maybe other projects do offer this option but not the ones I've staked on. I'm aware that staking on Nervos isn't exactly staking.

13 ответов

19 просмотров

To know more about the supply & issuance of $CKB 👉👉 linktr.ee/ckbtokenomics

I believe this is one of the main purposes of iCKB which is currently under development.

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You'll have to withdraw from the DAO to claim the compensation

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matt++🐿️ is getting impersonated rn BE VIGILANT GEnTS
You'll have to withdraw from the DAO to claim the ...

I understand. I was just wondering if it was possible to make it to where we can claim the compensation without having to unlock our original deposit into the dao.

I understand. I was just wondering if it was possi...


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Alejandro (Won't DM first)

I'm all for change. I think getting the community behind this would be very beneficial to Nervos Network and to everyone that decides to deposit their ckb into the Nervos dao.

I'm all for change. I think getting the community ...

It's not a bad idea, but you have to remember that the interest rate percentage is based on compounding interest. So if you withdraw the compensation amount your deposit will then only be earning the current DAO rate and not the rate you originally deposited at.

*- Автор вопроса
Yeti (Never DM)
It's not a bad idea, but you have to remember that...

I have to admit, this is a little confusing to me since the initial deposit wouldn't be unlocked... I'm trying to understand.....I mean that sincerely..... I'm sorry if I seem stubborn on my view. I'm by no means in my field in these types of discussions.

I have to admit, this is a little confusing to me ...

Kindly send me a direct message for further assistance

I have to admit, this is a little confusing to me ...

All good man, a few years ago nearly everyone was confused about how the DAO worked with the compensation rate. Basically, everyone receives the same % rate at all times, no matter what the rate was when you first made your deposit. When you make a deposit, say the APC rate is 2.5% then you will keep receiving that rate throughout the life of that deposit, but that is only because you are also receiving compensation on the accumulated rewards. So if you remove the rewards, then you are only going to be getting paid on your initial deposit at the current rate. That's not a big deal really and I actually think your idea would be a good feature, but it's just good to be aware of how it works.

*- Автор вопроса
Yeti (Never DM)
All good man, a few years ago nearly everyone was ...

Understood, and thank you for your patience ☺️

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