tried using the search function for a clear answer but could not find, can anyone comment on whether crvusd is good for frax or not? I can see that sfrxETH is usable as colla...
any mods free? was asking a bunch of questions on discord and was hoping to get a few things straight with regards to frax’s finances. Been scouring the internet for accurate ...
Dirt Diggler, [May 22, 2023 at 11:48:34 AM]: hello gents, writing a research report on Mantle / BitDAO and am curious if the team plans to run hackathons for your new L2? Wi...
Hey guys, just looking for clarity, is the Protocol Controlled Liquidity the same as Protocol Owned ??
Thank you for taking the time to respond Sam, not often you get to talk to a founder for facts. Really speaks a lot to you guys. I knew I was missing something simple - ie yo...