I think the key question for me, regardless of calculation, is whether FET, as an organisation, brings more than double the value of AGIX to the future organisation. I'm havin...
Hey Ocean. What with the new alliance, do you have any plans to offer Atomspace semantic data as one of the served data types? Do you already offer this with another graph for...
That minting concept needs a proper look IMHO; it's going to be tricky. I don't believe we're going-to-toe with big labs on ML. In fact, we're not, because many reasons. What'...
Hi gang, another question for you: do data sources have any form of reputation and data card attached?
Hi all. Quick question, I haven't paid enough attention to ocean for too long so you all moved on. But do you store semantic data that could be traversed by Hyperon's MeTTa? A...
How's the Hyperon alpha looking Ben?
When was the mechanism agreed @peter_ce ? As in, the method for calculating, not the numbers.
How's it going with the whole KG, neurosymbolic, evolutionary algo stuff?
Aware that one of the deep funding projects has api linkage as a goal, but has anyone in the project had a chat with the guys at Hugging Face yet?