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Coming along well, MeTTa tutorials are looking nice and we are getting the in-RAM MeTTA interpreter nicely integrated with DAS. The current MeTTa interpreter is not super fast/scalable yet though, that is a critical milestone and will happen in say 3-6 months somewhere inbetween alpha and beta...

MatthewEN- Автор вопроса
ben goertzel
Coming along well, MeTTa tutorials are looking nic...

Tutorials, cool. Looking forward to challenging myself.

MatthewEN- Автор вопроса
ben goertzel
Coming along well, MeTTa tutorials are looking nic...

Are the tutorials Haskell level mindfuck or do I have a chance?

MatthewEN- Автор вопроса
Are the tutorials Haskell level mindfuck or do I h...

Just went through the MeTTa Spec. I see....... Well I always enjoyed Prolog and some other LISPy language I can't recall the name of back then. And I DID promise myself I'd learn Haskell and Clojure at some point. So in for a penny.....

MatthewEN- Автор вопроса
ben goertzel
Coming along well, MeTTa tutorials are looking nic...

Question on this. I get the idea of MeTTa being the language for both humans and AI. But thought: are you interpreting for the machines too? As in, every time an AI wants to do something it instructs in MeTTa and that gets interpreted?

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