GetChatInviteImportersRequest which permissions channel admin should have to do this? I have checked through account I can see join requests without any permissions if I adm...
Can we check users join requests if we have private channel with approval before joining? I need to get users ids who want to join channel
How it can be possible? my userbot requests join requests and approves but if user already participant how it can be in join requests list? telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.UserA...
telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.InviteRequestSentError: You have successfully requested to join this chat or channel (caused by ImportChatInviteRequest) why I get this inspite o...
Maybe anyone knows how many messages can be delayed using userbot?
How is it possible? Inline button payload limit is 64 bytes but this string is 110 bytes(my calculation), telethon calculates 61 and it works, incredible
ScheduleStatusPrivateError 'You cannot schedule a message until the person comes online if their privacy does not show this information' What is privacy information?
I want to subscribe on update when user join request to channel was approved. I found that occurs UpdateChannelParticipant but which event should bot subscribe to intercept it...
Let's say I need to check 500 users in my channel using user_bot.get_permissions() request Should I sleep(1) after each request to prevent FloodWait?
If my bot is admin of channel and it has user_id of random subscriber but doesn't have its entity is it possible to get it somehow?
Is there easy way to disable bot handlers for new posts in channel where bot is admin?
Is it normal to receive such logs when accepting one join request to channel?
Does anyone know HideChatJoinRequest can cause floodwait? For example if I want accept or reject 100 users and do it without await between requests?
How we can use cache here?
Should I be admin to do iter_participants on specific channel?