guys is there anyone here who have or had land on the game?
I mean is it going to become around 6 by itself or not?
what is flag ?
guys I sent a message for checking if my id is flagged but its very unfair to being apart from game because of game mistake! do you know when they check it and email me ?
yes mate but boosts have 6 version which one you think is enough to keep that dtal ?
is it worth to buy a land in the game? what will be the profits of it ? and what kind of land is the best for profit?
what is dtal?
guys I've a guestion is staking on a planet gives you any reward? not voting power and ... I mean just tlm. is it reward you tlm or not? is in russian , is there any similar site in english?
mission NFTs are ment to have use in future?
and about mission NFTs why they don't appear in shining section? can't they merge to shine?
hello everyone I purchased a land finally and its just one day I have it but the dtal earning we talked about before is about 1.2 tlm did anyone know what to do?
hi , guys is there any way to findout when will be the next mission and what kind it will be?
guys what is this battledome? is it in the same game site alienworlds?
hello guys just a quick question .. for my account recently came out of ban I just wanted to know if it is ok to mine with two different devices but one ip?
hello guys im still banned would you please give me the form so I try one another time talking to the guys to open my account?
mate as I see the missions are in series 2 so when series 3 will begin ? does it have any time we know?
guys is there any connection between mission NFTs and real money? is it possoble to sell them? any use?
why mining become so hard today? my mining reduced 90% is something happening?
so guys let me ask another whats more important taking tlm or nft point?