It just occurred to me that since you only wanna CPMM LP on assets you’re bullish on because if the price of the volatile asset goes down impermanent loss would most likely ou...
Does anybody know if other LSDs could see what frxETH is doing with Fraxtal and hypothetically try to partner with other L2s to also become a gas token to increase their monet...
@samkazemian any plans to list Fraxtal native frxETH on any centralized exchanges? Reasoning being that as gas costs increase on the L1 with congestion over this bull run (as ...
@samkazemian quick question, is there a reason why FXB is not sold in USDC instead of FRAX? 🤔 That would allow us to siphon liquidity/vampire attack Circle and increase the ci...
Will the frax ETH v2 repository be made public after audit or after launch? Been really excited to take a look at the code lol. Which btw the Fraxlend repo is a masterpiece of...
I need to go to the grocery store but if you have time you should listen to the flywheel DeFi space from yesterday, in the middle we talk about how this whole AMO would functi...
What's the roadmap looking for getting oracle price feeds on Fraxtal? Is Chainlink integrating support or will we just have AMM oracles? I think it took Base a couple months t...
Also, I tried to research this idea further but couldn’t find the veFXS contracts, would you mind pointing me in the right direction? 😅
Does anybody have a running list of new projects launching on Fraxtal? I’d like to see what’s out there to start getting involved in communities