Can someone suggest to me a project idea to learn async programming? my main lang is rust but my past projects uses sync. I haven't touched async one bit.
Hi guys, do you know any group related to parsing, lexing, syntax analysis? I'm creating a very basic library that creates combinations provided in single string. Example: A{B...
Hi, I'm using navigation jetpack library to navigate to detail page on recyclerView item click, and passing the value of the item to the DetailFragment. It works but whenever ...
Hi, I've a bottom navigation view, when I click settings it should navigate to Settings, but however I get an exception if it's already on the SettingsFragment? What's the bes...
Hi, I'm building a password manager and I want to encrypt the database, what can be done about this?
i created a shell script that launches a rofi menu with couple of options which i mapped it to a keyboard shortcut in i3. Whenever i press the keyboard shortcut menu opens, ...
Hi, I've cloned MFRC522v2 Arduino Library, and porting it to STM32 HAL lib... Anyway, I see some functions defined with 7 arguments without default values, and called with 5 a... "need to enable secure boot" come on, that's a silly solution but works? wh...
Hi, what's the best way to implement a splash screen? Instead of creating another activity for just a splash screen... I've created • a drawable for window background, • sp...
Hi everyone, I've a project that users are able to notified if sth. happens in their working hours. I need to create a service that should just available at that working hours...
i've created a service for i3lock whenever pc sleeps or hibernates, i3lock starts... But it does not depend on the session whether it is i3 or gnome/kde etc. I just want to st...
Hi everyone I'm creating an RFID card reader with stm32f4xx_hal, I tried to convert existing Arduino library into stm32 HAL compatible lib, I had no luck... Do you guys had a...
Hi, what's the best way to control the parent activity's ui from the fragment class? I need to hide/show a fab (which is inside the activity's layout) by press of a button (wh...
Hi, is there any electronic/embedded programming Telegram group you guys know?
Hi everyone, I'm trying to figure out how can I get the parent of a child which they're related in one to many relation, I don't know how to say that exactly but, I suppose yo...
linux is on /dev/sda and i want to mount /dev/sdb1 to somewhere and i don't wanna use sudo all the time what can i do, what's the ideal way o' doin' this?
but also could be a better option to take?
Any great site or forum for custom rom building?
Hi, i'm using btrfs swapfile on a encrypted LUKS partition. I want to hibernate i've set resume=UUID= command line of the output of this command sudo blkid /.swap/swapfile and...
Anyone who wants to contribute to an open-source programming language? I'm developing a programming language called hydrochloric acid... It's just the combination of Javascr...