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Can someone suggest to me a project idea to learn

async programming? my main lang is rust but my past projects uses sync. I haven't touched async one bit.

6 ответов

13 просмотров

I think the best way to learn async is by learn it from javascript along with Promises and async await, simply understand deeply how to work with Promise with js and you know async

I think the best way to learn async is by learn it...

the async model in rust is very different from the async model in js. a future in js is closer to a task in rust, while a future in rust has no equivalent in js. rust async is a more complex and rich system. my recommendation is: tokio's tutorial for a practical guide https://tokio.rs/tokio/tutorial the official async book for the theory and deep understanding of the system https://rust-lang.github.io/async-book

the async model in rust is very different from the...

👍 I'd start with simple things And you don't always have to understand how it works but how to use it

👍 I'd start with simple things And you don't alwa...

you need to understand how it works if you don't want to face ""weird"" stack overflows, high memory usage, weird run time spikes, etc not talking about weird deadlock and problems that can occur under real concurrency system that don't exist in js rust isn't a simple language, and if they want to learn and use async they need to learn rust async. rust isn't the type of language you use as a blackbox without caring about anything, you won't enjoy any of its benefits while still working a few times harder than you'd in a language like js

Perhaps a MUD?

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