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I want to learn once and for all the the

different between Mutex / Arc (and more generics for accessing), in async / sync access and lifetime.
I think it's the most diffcult part in Rust.
Do you know some article about it or some idea for simple project to try it and learn?

9 ответов

27 просмотров

Mutex = mutual exclusion, prevent 2 blocks of code from running at the same time in different threads Arc = atomic reference count, count how many people are referring to an object across threads, Arc uses Mutex to read and update the reference count

Mutex = mutual exclusion, prevent 2 blocks of code...

arc uses an atomic value for the counter, it does not use a mutex

there's a free book available on this https://marabos.nl/atomics/foreword.html disclaimer: never read it, but heard good things, you can try it

Jacob- Автор вопроса
Mutex = mutual exclusion, prevent 2 blocks of code...

You mean usually people wrap mutex with arc ig

arc uses an atomic value for the counter, it does ...

atomics are a superior way to do a multithreaded mutable value, mutex is a bad way, but mutex would also work

Jacob- Автор вопроса
there's a free book available on this https://mara...

Pretty long, but looks like it can answer many questions i have on the complex area of Rust

Pretty long, but looks like it can answer many que...

if you've never heard the term race-condition, the book (probably) contains all the theory you need to learn. if you've heard about it and just need a fresher in rust, I'd guess it's the wrong book for you. but I didn't read it.

Jacob- Автор вопроса
if you've never heard the term race-condition, the...

I prefer books that talk about deep-rooted concepts in the language, than "the latest stuff" so that's what I liked

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