Ever had one program from the MS Suite not be able to detect shared drives?
UNIX Kernel features are moved into unpriveleged space, which allows you to develop custom replacements for them, such as new network protocols within your own user, without a...
— Literally known as a meme — The people who boast about how bad xterm is and ended up making a terminal that performs the exact same, but is even less manageable and have had...
A) It's not minimalist. B) It's not optimised, if it was you would notice that it doesn't run on most products, you use older, safer codepaths and safe compilation options on ...
Has anyone here had much experience with Zenoss? A company I'm planning on working for is using it and nagios for infrastructure and application level monitoring, I've persona...
This is probably not the best chat for it, but has anyone here used Myrtille? I saw it described as a front end for RDP in over a web browser, do you guys think it's a reasona...
Tell me, if systemd is so terrible and a world-ender, why do you think that virtually every distro has moved to it? I know you're not the one who was complaining about it and...
https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=aws+architect+bangalore&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9jeLEgYrnAhUC2KQKHX5-D2cQiYsCKAF6BAgNEBA#htivrt=jobs& I would guess s...
Then why mention it in the first place? But as for NixOS you can read this and the other pills which explains Nix, the package manager and then NixOS builds even more on it's ...
It's a project with tons of other stuff, the init is just one part of the project, please tell me how it actually doesn't do it's things right? Every part of the project is re...
Terrible OPROM Support, have you tried doing EFISTUB Then going to windows? Poor RAM training and algorithims leading to loss of performance Literally just dying on UEFI Upd...
To make Linux more accessible to literally everyone, why should the absolute low-level of Linux be incredibly fragmented?
Here is how the attack process goes Port scan on an IP Range Attack any IP's with the port that's attributed to sshd They've performed a port scan and know what sshd is runn...
I ran torrent site mirrors, have you ever had over 4000 DMCA Requests a day?
Have you instead tried writing better software that suites peoples needs?
You like the idea of patching your own software which requires having functioning packages which rely on a certain version and never actually get updated and thus you have to ...
Wasn't there a scare with the repos not using https and apt having an issue where it didn't properly verify packages so you could temporarily infect machines with malware if y...
Most systems with flatpak still use their package manager for curl and wget, right?
Do you have ffmpeg installed from rpmfusion?
Why does a user want to spend time installing something in a long winded way?