I think it is critical to have a well planned incentive program to be able to compete with the other dex on IBC ( osmo and SIF) as well as other dex on other chains if we are ...
Hey guys. Thought of bringing this topic up once more as we are seeing the ecosystem grow. Thoughts on further enhancing and increasing visibility and adoption? We are well ...
Hi. What is the stance of sentinel as far as burning of Juno of whale is concerned. Are u guys supportive of the burn and will sign the burn block to make sure Juno chain is n...
If all transactions are going to be no fee. Then what’s the use case of inj token. Is it just for governance?
Was there a new proposal which says that bnt rewards will be at min the fee rewards?
IBC is exploding. And to have inj on osmosis and sifchain will bring a lot more eyes to the token which will eventually bring more TVL to the platform. I would highly recomme...
Are there any proposal to provide xprt external incentive to osmosis or sif?
Is there a plan for inj to come to osmosis?
When will incentive LP program start. Is there a governance proposal?
Hi. I had activated cool down for unstaking aave. The cool down period was suppose to be 10 days. It’s been about 12 days now and seems like the staking again got activated?
What’s the reason why fees has dropped so dramatixally in the last few weeks compared to the weeks in January. Was the fee structure changed or did volume plummet?
Are there any plans to be listed on the dex on IBC like osmosis sifchain emeris?
is there a reason why most of the pools are not getting renewed because quorum is not being reached? Have people just lost interest.
Did they just change atom to “cosmos hub” from “cosmos” on coin gecko?
At what ratio are the auctions clearing. Like what discount to the $ value?
Can we take a look at the chart of daily volume? @Varun4243
So. Inj is not an amm is it. I see that there is order book and such?
But I don’t see inj on the front end of osmosis?
Is the next unlock on sept 28th?