If I sell my axies and buy new ones. Will my mmr go back to default or I will still have same mmr??
Hi, in which hotwallets can I store the new IMX chain Ecomi?
Is there a pricetalk/trade group for egld?
Hi, is level 25 max ones axies can reach in experience on adventure mode? I been grinding and grinding at level 25.. But axie don't seem gain more experience
Any word on when OMI will be listed on new exchanges?
If I don't even play arena, my rank should not drop.. Right? I'm ranked 810, if I just stay away from arena I should be fine.. Right???
What wallet can I store KDA?
Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to withdraw from kucoin now?
Something wrong with the game or just me? It says team validation failed. Everything was working fine up until today
Hi, what is the real marketcap? Coingecko shows 4 bn.. is that marketcap right?
Is it allowed with 2 accounts on 1 wifi/household?