Can you even cross chain chex from eos to somewhere that is more liquid?
And can you really blame a BP for folding when they are loss making?
How was voting with unvested tokens even a thing?
Do I think it matters? Not particularly. I think bps should be paid to provide infra and that’s about it.
how does RAM usage affect inscriptions?
Is there “node operator as a service” available from anywhere?
Where’s the enf telegram group gone?
Does b1 even need continued development of either eosio or antelope?
Do EVM transactions lean on ram?
What about Christian Schramm?
Isn’t this your token @estebans ?
correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't antelope open source?
So has anyone taken the time to have a good look into this repo? What thoughts are there?
It’s just so polarising and off topic to bring up Vax. I mean, who the fuck even cares? That’s not what we’re here for.
How does a top 10 crypto go down for days at a time every couple of weeks?