I sent ust from terra station to binance but my funds didnt arived. Why?
Hi. Where is the best place to stake Cosmos?
Whats with the neo? From top 7 on cmc to 70. And this is confusing that some exchanges have Neo and some N3. 😰
In my wallet I have some coins. Staevmos, stinj, stucmdx, stuumee,..? Are they worth anything?
If I stake my ont on 3 different nodes. How do I see how much ong I recived from every node?
Does solana have own wallet where you can stake solana?
If I stake ust on anchor can I widhrow anytime I wont? Even if anchor page go down?
Pr is it better to choose some other?
What is the best validator for staking?
Hi. I got really low reword for staking in ont app. How to see if any node didnt pay?
I have neo legacy and gas on binance. Can I just withdraw them to neon wallet as N3?