Why i cant withdraw my reef already wait 28 days status say u need atleast 0 reef to pay network fee ???? But in my wallet i have more reef
cant download reef extension for chrome ,it will be fixed?
can we stake and vote from neoline on mobile ?
how long does it take for my coins to be locked until they can be unlocked ? If i stake my onto on ontowallet
when reef mobile wallet?
Decrease apy on reefchain is possible ? 40% its to high
Why cant see reward on reefscan always loading ??
Its mean more inflation ,more staking rewards ?? 😱😱😱
I got 200k reef what validators must i choose also with 20% 10% or 0% commision ?
Why i swap reef20 to bep20 still pending on klever wallet?
When lemmbooo ? 🚀🥺
If i unbonding must be wait 28 days then can withdraw?
Trx no max supply ?