any updates on testnet progress?
Where does Anchor get it's bLUNA price from? Specifically regarding liquidations... Is it from Terraswap or Astroport? (or both?)
Hey, when trying to submit a royalties amount on the google form submission to get listed on the NFT marketplace, I only see this error... Any idea why?
how long has KDA not been withdrawable on kucoin?
When staking 1800 WOO are funding fees also 0?
is there any way to see the self-bonded rate in keplr when choosing a validator?
Where does Terrastation derive the LUNA price from?
Do you guys know how I can tell if I staked in the gauge?
Hey guys what's the latest with L15?
Do you expect RTokens to be largely DeFi-based until a couple become clearly popular?
Should this be expected/possible?
hey guys what's the difference between staking luna in terrastation and bonding in anchor ?
guys, how can i see all transactions for a wallet? is there an etherscan type thing?
Can someone explain what the criteria for shifting something from Moonriver to Moonbeam would be?
when you stake ATOM do you get a tradable receipt? like sATOM or something
Hey Admins, how does a project apply to be listed on the NFT marketplace?
Hey guys, is there any way to swap RSR right now?
Can someone share with me how MEX is earned through holding EGLD?
what is the difference between flux and ipfs?
How do you add the LKMEX as liquidity?