where to buy vet on dex?
if i stake on coinbase, and pull the atom off coinbase without cashing out into fiat, none of it is taaaxed right?
I can transfer vechain to wrapped vet on bsc but can I trade it?
hmm, well i'm afraid of staking and getting things slashed, how do i know how to safely stake?
how is cake trying to stay relevant with all of the competition?
hmm, reinforcements?
i have a cosmostation wallet but want to open a kelpr too using the same seed phrase... is it unsafe to import my cosmostation seed to kelpr?
Can you briefly explain the gas refund program?
are 1inch tokens useful for reducing fees?
how deep CAN this go????
i'm hearing some FUD, where can i find upcoming news?
they withdrew 9 million atoms?
what's going on with atom nowadays?